Luther Lunch Ladies
Join the Luther Lunch Ladies for a fun filled luncheon on the third Wednesday every month. We are all women from Trinity who enjoy dining around the county. Think about joining us and participating in a nice afternoon of fellowship and friendship. Contact Marti Nissley to be added to the reservation.
Coffee Klatch
Join in this Fellowship event to enjoy conversation, sip coffee and a bite of sweets. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall the last Tuesday of the month from 9am to 11am. Contact Candy Snyder for more information.
Friday Night Dinners
Please join us for fun, food, and fellowship with Friday Night Dinners the first Friday of every month. The sign up will be available in the gathering area. All are welcome, singles, couples, & friends, for this event. Please come out and support this fellowship.
To secure a RESERVATION, please contact Bergstrasse Church (717-733-7808) or email with your name and number attending.
Feel free to invite friends of any age to join in the fun!!!