Youth Christian Education

Sunday Church School

Classes are offered for all ages each Sunday morning (September – May) at 10:30 AM. Our morning begins with a 9:00 AM liturgy. Immediately after we have  Gathering Time in the Social Hall. This time is an important way to bring our people together to share in learning about seasons of the church year, the focus of the day’s liturgy, singing hymns, learning to find texts in the Bible, and sharing announcements of coming events.


The curriculum is centered on the same lessons we hear and think about during the Sunday morning liturgy. Our children are encouraged to enter into the Bible stories and to grow in their own faith. The goals of this curriculum are to encourage the deepening of connections to the rhythms of the church year, the riches of Sunday worship, to each other, and most importantly, to God. 


Seventh and eighth grade students study the Bible on a more advanced level as part of their catechetical instruction.

Throughout the Sunday Church School year, Holy Trinity highlights the changing seasons of the church year helping our children and adults embrace the richness of remembering God’s grace as the church marks time. These events all have different formats and include Rally Day to mark the beginning of the church year, a Christmas Celebration, Epiphany party, Easter Egg Hunt, Easter Faire and Pentecost event.




The word, “Mazon,” is a Hebrew word meaning “to feed.” Mazon is an enrichment opportunity for children in preschool through high school. Two (2) sessions of Mazon are held each week on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons. The Godly Play curriculum is used for these sessions. The goal of Godly Play is to teach the art of using the language of the Christian tradition to encounter God and find direction in life through experiencing sacred space, sharing sacred stories, wondering together, and choosing creative work to discover our own role in the endless story of God and His people.


Holy Trinity’s choir program for children is an important part of Mazon. Mazon is not a repetition of Sunday Church School. Both programs work together to provide children with a well-rounded background of Bible stories and understanding of the worship life of the church.

Youth Ministry

The goal of youth ministry is to encourage and provide opportunities for youth to grow in their relationship with God and each other and to explore ways to live out their faith. The youth at Holy Trinity are incredible gifts from God. Their participation in the life of this parish is remarkable and they enrich our life together in so many ways. On any given Sunday the youth of Holy Trinity are busy singing and playing musical instruments to lead liturgy, ushering, operating the sound system, assisting in the Nursery, participating with the Children’s and Youth Bell Choirs, and serving as Communion Assistants, Acolytes, Torch Bearers and Crucifers.  Their service and active participation are examples for all of us. 


Fun and service activities are also planned each month. These include such activities as hiking to Hawk Mountain, participating with service days at Camp Kirchenwald, assisting with the Community Meal, caroling to Holy Trinity’s shut-ins at Christmas, having fun at game nights and playing volleyball and basketball.  

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