What to expect in worship

Our style of Lutheran worship is liturgical which means it has a predictable pattern that varies throughout the year.

Following a greeting and the announcements, our worship usually begins by taking a moment to ask God to forgive us. The pastor then assures us of God's love and forgiveness. After this, we greet those around us by shaking hands to share God's peace.

We continue with an opening  hymn.  Next, we say a prayer and listen to readings from the Bible. The Bible is our source of purpose, direction and inspiration. 

The sermon that follows is based on the Bible readings, relating them to our lives today.

 Worship continues by reciting a Creed, a statement of our faith.  Prayers are led by one of our members. Following this, the Offering is gathered. As our guest, please feel no obligation to contribute.

About Holy Communion

At each worship service, we share Holy Communion (also known as The Lord's Supper or the Eucharist). We celebrate in the way Jesus taught us--understanding that the risen Christ is present in the bread and wine. These are tangible ways we can experience God's love and grace. All are invited to come to the altar rail, for either the bread and wine or a blessing. Please follow the custom of your congregation regarding children receiving Holy Communion. Children are always welcome to come with their family for a blessing. If you are not sure you would like to have communion, please feel no obligation to come to the altar rail.

How we conclude

Our service ends with a blessing and sometimes a hymn.  Then the pastor and other people leading the worship service come to the rear of the worship area where they greet the people as they depart.

© 2025 Holy Trinity Lutheran of Ephrata
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