Online Giving

Donate to the Unified Budget, Homes of Hope House, Monthly Stewardship or Capital Campaign online at Online Giving

Redner’s Tapes

Collect Redner Save a Tape receipts (you must sign up for this at the Redner's office and receive a special card.)  The proceeds from these benefit the community meals program.  Please deposit the tapes in the container in the gathering area.  Do not cut the tapes; the entire tape must be submitted for credit.  



Members With Thrivent Policies

Holy Trinity members who have Thrivent insurance policies or investments may have accumulated Thrivent Choice Dollars to donate. December is a good time to check if you have Choice Dollars and, if you do, to consider directing them to Holy Trinity.  You can go to and log in (click My Thrivent in upper right corner, on next page under the welcome with your name click “Membership Overview”, then scroll down on the right side to Thrivent Choice and click “Direct Choice Dollars”). You can also contact your Thrivent representative or call Thrivent (800-847-4836) for assistance with determining your Choice Dollars and how to donate them.


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