What to expect

When you visit Holy Trinity you can expect meaningful worship, friendly people, inspiring music, and a comfortable setting.

What should I wear?

We don’t have a dress code at Holy Trinity. Some of our parishoners prefer to dress more formally, others prefer to dress more casually. Wear what feels comfortable.

What time is the worship service?

Our Sunday worship service is at 9AM.  Holy Communion is shared at the service.

On Thursday evenings, there is a spoken worship service with Holy Communion at 7:00 PM

What is the worship service like?

Please see the next section in this Visitors Tab for a description of our Sunday worship services.

How do I know what to do in worship?

When you enter the worship area, there are ushers to give you a program (worship bulletin). The bulletin contains the entire worship service and sometimes the words to a hymn. Hymns not printed in the bulletin are in the red hymnal in the rack in front of you. The entire worship service is very easy to follow in the bulletin, even if you are not familiar with the Lutheran style of worship.

 Will I be singled out as a guest?

We will not point you out as a guest or make you stand up during the worship service,  but we will greet you. We ask you to sign our guest book at the rear of the worship area.

Do you have nursery care during worship services?

Yes, for children to 5 years of age.  We encourage children to remain with their parents during the worship service. Our liturgical form of worship with its weekly repetition lends itself to their participation. The worship service usually includes a children’s sermon, where the children are invited to the front of the worship area for a brief themed message by the pastor.

Can I Take Communion?

Holy Communion is offered at all of our worship services. We believe that the risen Christ is present in the bread and the wine. All are invited to come to the altar rail for either the bread and wine or a blessing.  Children who receive Holy Communion in their home congregation are welcomed to receive it with us as well. Otherwise, children may come to the altar rail for a blessing.

© 2025 Holy Trinity Lutheran of Ephrata
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